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Basic blocks

Explore our range of free high-quality 2D blocks that offer a wide variety of basic blocks suitable for home and office layouts.

All blocks are fully customizable and can be easily adapted to fit any style, making the design process faster and more efficient.

Take your designs to the next level with Rayon's ready-to-go blocks collection!

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How to make a feasibility study with 2D Furniture Blocks?

Use 2D furniture blocks in Rayon software for your feasibility study. Experiment with different spatial arrangements considering factors like traffic flow and ambiance. Choose blocks that align with your envisioned furnishings and assess their fit within the layout. Evaluate each piece's functionality in relation to the intended use of the space.

Assess the furniture layout using 2D blocks for efficiency and accessibility. Ensure ample space for movement and easy reach to key areas. Optimize functionality and test flexibility with different configurations to accommodate changing requirements.

Integrating 2D furniture blocks in feasibility studies enhances clarity and communication, facilitating informed decision-making. 2D blocks serve as valuable tools for presenting furniture layouts, aesthetic considerations, and estimated costs to stakeholders.

How to draw a housing layout using 2D blocks?

Use Rayon's 2D blocks library to design your house layout. Experiment with different configurations to enhance space utilization, traffic flow, and functionality.

Focus on creating well-defined circulation paths within the house, with smooth transitions between rooms. Optimize the layout for ease of movement and accessibility. Pay attention to the placement of doors and windows for natural light and ventilation, as well as aesthetic appeal.

Consider the spatial relationships between different areas of the house in the final stages. Analyze the proximity of private and public spaces for a harmonious flow. This ensures a functional and inviting living environment.

How Can I Customize or Edit 2D Basic Blocks to Suit My Design?

In Rayon Canvas, designers can easily customize furniture blocks by changing their stroke weight, colors, and scale. This allows them to adapt the appearance of the blocks to match the desired color scheme.

By grouping and layering the customized blocks within the Rayon software, designers can enhance organizational efficiency, making it easier to manage multiple figures located in different parts of the drawing.

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